Young, gifted & black.
There are moments in your life, whether it’s a second, a week or over a year where you are inspired, motivated and challenged to be better. Sadly, these moments mainly come from trauma or difficult times. This overall year has been full of losses for my community, the black community. From leaders, to artists and brave, trailblazing activists. It doesn’t get any easier to grieve those who have changed the world for the better.
On the 29th August i woke up at 8am and checked my phone. My heart stopped and i had to catch my breath. Seeing “Chadwick Boseman has passed from a 4-year battle with colon cancer” did not register clearly in my mind. I feel very distant from death. I have not quite grasped the idea that someone can be so selfless, talented, and a positive role model in this world and still be taken from us in a second. Chadwick Boseman had an iconic career. Always choosing roles to display excellence from my community, to display hope and represent so authentically what the black experience actually is as well as showcasing how varied we are. Chadwick was great at showing we are not just about the trauma we deal with daily, but the talent, culture and traditions we share across the world, the ones that make us unique.
These past couple of days i have come across stories of the type of man Chadwick was. Personal stories of how he always was polite, regal and caring for who he was around. As much as he was a wonderful person, he was honest and spoke up for what he believed in. He constantly called out on sets he walked onto if it was not diverse enough, he constantly used his moments of wins to shine a light on what was important to him, and most importantly he did everything selflessly. Nothing was for the intent of personal attention or accolade, showcasing brilliance was important to him and still is across black creatives. He gave us his last few years of his battle with cancer, delivering superb performances that generations of black people/children can watch and be inspired and feel represented by. When Chadwick spoke you were captivated, this man made you hold onto his every word. There is a speech I will quote that made an impact on me:
“We all know what it’s like to be told that there is not a place for you to be featured. Yet you are young, gifted and Black. We know what it’s like to be told there’s not a screen for you to be featured on, a stage for you to be featured on. We know what it’s like to be the tail and not the head. We know what it’s like to be beneath and not above.”
Sometimes we forget that with wealth and fame, celebrities still face the battles we go through daily. Seeing someone of his success speaking about how a lot of us black people feel; ignored, under represented, not good enough and never the main character in life, made me think. Chadwick as mentioned already had an established career yet he still had to on top of that, fight everyday battles a lot of black people do. In terms of Hollywood that could be again, calling out lack of diversity on set or requesting someone doing his hair and makeup who actually is experienced with black hair and black skin. His actions however big or small, had a ripple effect on the industry. Black creatives should be made to feel confident to bring up ideas, to call out when something is wrong and i truly believe Chadwick is one of many who has opened the door and made this more possible across the world.
Chadwick had his programme at Oxford University paid for by Denzel Washington. As he said, without Denzel there would be no Black Panther. Knowing his last film, he worked on was working with Denzel has at least given me a full circle view. It was always meant to be. When i was 20 i went to see Black Panther. Growing up superheroes were always the common ones, Batman & Superman mainly. I never had a superhero who looked like me or anyone in my family. I didn’t even see a superhero who looked after my community on screen. I remember the hype around the release, there were black people who went to the cinema in traditional dress, the community promoting it everywhere and cinema screens packed every night. The film did not disappoint. All i could feel was relieved that at last, i was watching a black cast being displayed in their true beauty and strength, through royalty, family, love and forgiveness. Wakanda was a super advanced nation, there were strong black female leads who were intelligent, who ran the family and made decisions for themselves. People often underestimate the power of representation. Representation allows people to have hope, to feel like they can achieve their dreams. It provides self-belief. These are important feelings to have from a young age and can impact how well someone does in their life. I feel blessed i was able to witness the feelings and emotions we all felt watching Black Panther for the first time. All I can think about is how I excited I am to show my future children a black superhero movie. A group of characters who were beautifully flawed and cultured.
I want to highlight that invisible disease and illnesses are more common than you know. Chadwick’s decision to keep his cancer private whether intended this way or not, allowed us to appreciate his art for what it was without the media focusing on his cancer. Again, in my eyes another selfless act. Please understand that we should not glorify or condemn anyone’s actions when dealing with their illness. There is no right way to manage a massive health problem.
Chadwick said in a wonderful tribute to Denzel Washington “Let he who has watered, be watered.” I know that in these past few years we showed profound love and respect to Mr Boseman, shown true appreciation for the art he created, been inspired by the constant work to help our community have opportunities, equality and deserved spotlight. I can only hope he felt watered.
What i would like everyone to take from this man’s incredible life is selflessness and empathy. This has been a tough year; life is not always easy. Yet in bad times we must show faith and unity. I am in awe of how Chadwick constantly carried himself and made others feel despite personal or professional adversity. I vow personally, to continuously work hard to make positive change for the black community and i hope we all come together to continue his legacy.
My condolences and prayers to the Boseman Family.
Rest in Power King.